Friday, May 16, 2008

Plata quemada (Burnt Money)

Another movie, inspired by a true story. The Movie tells the story of two criminals on the run . Ahh..but there is a twist. Isn't there always.

Nene & Angel are lovers. Okay..that twist wouldn't be such a big deal. But when you get to examine their relationship, you wonder how and why they cling to each other. You have Nene , played by Leonardo Sbaraglia ...he seems to be the brains, the "Clear thinking" one. And then you have Angel ..who is played with a quite magnetic intensity by Eduardo Noriega.. a young man with some serious mental issues. In the after math of a heist gone wrong, they have to hole up with their straight cohort Cuervo until they can get their documents and the right opportunity to get out of the country.

What we experience then is a long slow wait . You see Angel retreat deeper into himself as he can't block the voices that he hears. You see Nene trying to reach him both sexually and emotionally. Only to be rebuffed. Of course the rejection, the cabin fever of being holed away makes him seek comfort away from it all. Nene begins an affair with a young woman...And that's when it all hits the fan.

I like this movie because , it dives just enough into the subject of how mental illness and a life of crime can effect two people in a relationship. The sexuality of the characters is incidental to the story. I really enjoyed and loved this movie. I think you will too.

Someone even made a very appropriate YOUTUBE Video... Here...But it is sort of a spoiler...So you have been warned.

Monday, May 12, 2008


I thought this film was GREAT!

I know some people take issue with the handheld camera shakiness...and true it can get a bit messy and distracting..But I think in trying to make you believe what is happening at that moment it works.

"Cloverfield" is your basic "MONSTER ATTACKS" movie. Only..instead of us concentrating on what the monster is, where it's from ,and what does it want.. We are treated to the anxious horror of what panic in the streets, and unknown fates can do to us and our psyche . The story is told from the perspective of what was recorded on the camcorder. You have the guy Rob...he's leaving for a new job in Japan..there's a party for him..where the job to record all the well wishes on video falls to his friend Hud. You see a small story in between...Nothing to in depth and distracting..but just enough to set what is to come when ..OUT OF NO WHERE ..ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE.

What I like about this film, is that the Monster doesn't DOMINATE the screen with it's "WHOA" factor, the destruction , the desperation to reach loved ones, the unknown of what lurks in the dark, and the terror one can feel in a Post 9/11 world. I admit..I watched this film with jaw completely clenched. I'm not a New Yorker, but the images are quite comparable to the destruction of 9/11 that it can be quite scary to watch.I think not showing too much of the monster the way most of the "Godzilla" films do , is exactly what makes this film much more terrifying.

I think you should rent this right away. You won't be disappointed.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Keillers Park

The tagline for this film is "How much are you ready to sacrifice? Well.. some people will go through the ringer for love.
As someone who has seen many gay themed films..I am well aware that in the RELIEF film makers have in being able to express films from their perspective..honestly, the theme can go bad fast. Most of the time , in an effort to express how gays and lesbians are just people , a belief I hold..a lot of the movies are just stories you have heard before , but with the players being gay. So it's hard, at least for ME to be impressed by a film, when I've seen the plot before, if the only difference is the character's sexuality. Well I think that is where this film EXCELS.

This film tells it's story in flashbacks and present. We meet Peter,and we are told his story of how he has come to the situation of being arrested and charged with the murder of his lover Nassim. We see how Peter meets the intriguing and passionate young man.. We see how Peter's repressed sexuality & psychological passion is awakened by Nassim . The initial sexual encounter speaks volumes. Peter holds back but his astonished wonder is not to be missed . Nassim is eager and open in every way. It is a wonderful, passionate, erotic, and beautiful encounter. And yet it is shot in a way that doesn't come across as gratuitous . And then we view the consequences of it all. Peter loses everything for the chance to be himself. Yet Nassim is passionate in such a child like manner, his wild eyed wonderment is intoxicating to Peter in the beginning, but like any relationship, that "Honeymoon phase" fades. When Peter becomes cranky and difficult , Nassim runs away.

And here is where the story gets a little tricky. There are points when you aren't sure of Peter's guilt or innocence, after you see some of Nassim's behavior. Yet you feel for Peter either way. If he did it you understand and sympathize, and if he didn' are hurting that he could lose even more, after he has lost so much ...all for love. You see a man sacrifice so much for love only to watch every one around him leave,loss of financial security,and the loss of what all was sacrificed for. It is a bittersweet movie . But much better than I ever expected.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Netflix~ Why YOU should Have It

Okay..let me preach the praises of NETFLIX

I use to be a member of the famous rental chain, that is well known for it's LATE FEES. Let me tell you a couple of stories.

I rented films from this place...On my days off, I would rent three films that I would want to see. I like a lot of foreign films , documentaries, and gay themed films. My hubby..not so much. So I would take him to work. Stop and rent three, watch all and return them on the way to pick them up...I did this often. One day I did this. I was told I had a late fee, because of a certain film. Of course I let them know, I turned it in the same day.. It was impossible, to take off the fee. Which they DID. I thought , okay..mistakes happen. I try to be reasonable. Then..On another day..I go in, grab my films..and am told again..I have a late fee. Of course I dispute it. The person behind the counter tells me the movie was scanned in at 1:00am. I proceed to remind her, that they aren't even OPEN at that time and what time THEY CHOOSE to scan movies in is NOT my problem...It was taken off. But I was so upset, because I am feeling now like this is NOT a mistake...But the clencher happened another day. I rented three movies, I had 3 days to watch. I turned them in the next day, cause I didn't want any issues with the whole late fee thing. My hubby was even mad at me, because I took them back before he could watch ANY OF THEM. I go in..hear the same "You have a late Fee" diatribe"..they told me which movie..and my hubby, who happened to be with me that day..went off, cause he knew I brought it back early, cause he remembered what ensued afterwards, Needless to say..I NEVER WENT BACK.

So here is why I love Netflix...Of course you all know there are NO LATE FEES. I registered with them on a Saturday, had the movies Monday. They have more titles then what is available at your local video store. Your local video store usually only carries the big hits, the award winners, and the critically acclaimed films it expects to be requested. I live in Detroit, Mi...and they tend to carry more of the films done by and requested from the African -American Community...Now..I'm that's not an issue. But the variety is very limited in most local stores. I love to see foreign films from all over. Famous and little known titles. I'm not trying to sound pretentious .. but I just like trying to expand my movie viewing. And the local video stores aren't going to get EVERY FILM out there if only ONE person is going to rent them. It's wasted space on their shelves, and it's money wasted if it isn't going to be repeatedly rented. ..I understand that.

With Netflix.. I can get movies from anywhere.. I don't have to drive to the video store to get it ..which is a pain with what gas cost today...only to get there and find out they don't have what I want. I don't have to waste gas driving it back. As long as I mail the movie back..I got another on the way. I use to rent 3 movies every Saturday, which costs around 15.00. With Netflix..I pay 18.00 a month. I can get 3 movies on Monday, watch them all, mail them that day.. Netflix will receive and mail out on Tuesday, and I'll have them on Wednesday. Do the same, and have 3 more on Friday. That's six DVD's within the same week. So instead of 15 bucks a trip. I'm way ahead of the game, and saving money at the same time .

I urge all of you to try Netflix..Yeah I know that other video place has DVD's by mail (Netflix Sued them)...and you can take there mail in envelopes back to redeem for more films. ..But I will not do business with them as a matter of principle. I prefer a business that says what it does, and DOES WHAT IT SAYS!


Just what every one wants a need a little of in their life. "Enchanted" is a wonderful fantasy meets reality tale.

The Evil Queen Narissa doesn't want to lose her crown when her stepson Prince Edward, played with awesome sugary sweet comedic timing by James Marsden..finds his true love. To prevent that, she pushes the potential candidate Giselle down a magical well , where wishes anever come true and there are no happy endings..

And she lands where else????...NEW YORK CITY!

She runs into Robert , played by Patrick Dempsey, and his daughter Morgan. They take her in, thinking she's a bit Photobucket ... And of course, the chaos ensues.

The ideas of true love, destiny and reality all come crashing together here, and it is a fun ride to be on, to watch the " fantasy" come alive in Robert, and to watch Giselle come down to reality to see pass the glitter dust.

I loved this..Yes I what. Watch it..You will too.

El Crimen Perfecto-{The Perfect Crime}

Okay...this film is just fun to watch unfold.

It all starts with Rafael ...The resident top salesman and "Romeo" of a department store. All the ladies love and want him, he has his pick of them all. He is also in serious competition for a management position with Don Antonio. Which ends in murder.

But here's where hi problem REALLY begins. He is aided by the homely Lourdes. She helps him dispose of the body. But then proceeds to blackmail Rafael into a relationship. Now he has to figure out a way to get rid of her, without getting nabbed for murder.

This movie is a very effective Black comedy. One of the best. I watch a lot of foreign films, thanks to NETFLIX ... it's possible to see so much more than what a local video store has to offer. And A lot of times , I measure the power of a film from another land with how long a film with Subtitles can hold my hubby's attention...He HATES subtitles... Well he LOVES this movie. So it can hold his... I'm sure it can hold yours.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Shake It All About

I loved this movie. It was very heartbreaking , but very fantasy fairytale romance at the same time. It's not only about the choices we make..but about the consequences and aftermath. Jacob's confusion is pretty much the central character and theme.
His forays with a woman in a sexual way as a gay man is obviously very new and intriguing ..and we kinda understand that it's a part he should explore...but we also feel the pain of the betrayal of the sweet sweet Jorgen.
I think both sides of the story are played very well In the end...all you want is for happiness to prevail for everyone...even if it isn't happiness in a fairytale way.

The Woodsman

This movie is amazing in not only the performances turned in by Kevin Bacon, Kyra Sedgwick & Mos Def, but for the conflicting feelings that it incites in the viewer for a person that we would usually revile.And the conflicting questions this film imposes on you , such as when do we start to forgive? When are we redeemed from our past?

Can you ever understand and love a person who could do something heinous..without truly wondering if it will happen again. This film is bold because it doesn't give you the cushy story of a "guy who did wrong, and he's trying to change so give him a break". No This film tugs at you in every direction. Just when you are trying to cut the Walter character some slack, cause you figure, "hey, he hasn't done anything, leave him alone".Then you find yourself asking, why should anyone have to wait for something to happen.We see how certain triggers Walters actions. We see how the anger, fear, and revulsion of those around him affect his life. How people rationalize their own behaviors. This has got to be one of the most emotionally conflicting movies I have seen. I mean really..who wants to sympathize with a child molestor? But we have to also see that sometimes people who do horrible things can also be reviled by their own actions. Fascinating movie. I highly urge all to see.

The Mother

The mother May losing her husband and her way of living has been totally lost on her kids. They are too self involved to even notice. The daughter seems sympathetic in the beginning as to understand why her mother can't return home after her father's death,while her brother Bobby is too busy with work to notice.No one talks to May,they talk at,around and about her. Except Darren,Bobby's friend and Paula's married lover.Although May believes and tells Paula that she could do better than Darren, Paula tries to get her mother to be a go between to gauge what Darren really feels for her. And as they talk May soon begins a sexual tryst with the man. It's amazing how you can see the way May starts to look younger throughout the film,and as Darren's affections and distance makes the daughter look more and more older. The film is about how we become complacent with the roles we are given and what's expected of us,and how they probably don't reflect who we actually are.May has lived her life through others expectations and now realizes the time she has lost because of it. And now May is grabbing for what's left ,cause she says "I'm not ready for old age". And even though her desire to grab life causes her to betray her daughter.

The daughter is actually so unsympathetic to the viewer that you really could care less,cause Paula is too busy blaming her mother for all that is wrong in her life.And Darren has his issues as well,an unhappy marriage, and autistic son,and yet you see what draws these women to him,not just his hard tone physique,but his kind and unassuming way. He listens to may..he talks easily to her. And his sexual interest in may doesn't ever come across as pity.The strange paradox of Darren is that he likes women,he likes pleasing them, he likes watching them awaken sexually.What he obviously can't deal with is emotional neediness.By the end of the's hard to sympathize with anyone. But this film goes where too many others fear to tread.

Shut Up & Sing

Superb documentary.
It really puts into perspective the whole ideal of "Freedom of Speech" isn't really free. I personally found it shameful how people who called themselves "Americans' vilified these women for exercising what should be their rights as citizens of The U.S... only to be vilified by those same people.

Very insightful and angering..but also uplifting in seeing three women stick to their guns and come out on top in the end.

Into The Wild

This movie was INCREDIBLE! Emile Hirsch is wonderful in this role of a young man who rejects the expectations and obligations most are too afraid to say no to.

It is a remarkable true story of a life lead with fortitude and truth.Sean Penn's Direction of the beautifully dangerous landscape that is Alaska is mesmerizing. And yet the story of this young man who pursues solitude and nature for his own mental well being is never lost in the process. What is amazing is how this young man deeply touches all those he encounters along the way, only to find it most comforting being alone.

This movie will inspire people. I LOVED IT!


I usually love gay themed films, and I LOVE horror films too. But we all know..they are genre's that can go bad real FAST..So I must say I was quite surprised by this film.

Although I won't say it's the best, or scariest film I have ever seen..It does do a great job in making a typical slasher film. What I liked was that all the main characters are quite likable..A horror film is better when you DON"T want the cast to die.It also doesn't create typical "Stereotypical" over the top ideas of gay men. And it uses the "easy cruising gay pick-up" as a tantalizing way of introducing danger. The killer is sexy and if a gay man or a str8 woman would see'd obviously be tempted..But as someone watching the realize that the sexy pick up could be your last. Much more scary, and fun I liked this little film.

If any of you str8 guys can bear some light kissing between guys ...I think you would find a fun little slasher flick here.

No Country For Old Men

I was struck by the immediate violence in the first 10 minutes of the movie. But it certainly set the stage for what was to come with Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem who EARNED his Oscar here).

This has got to be the creepiest killer since Hannibel Lecter .The story seems typical ,but the cinematic meticulousness ,the acting,& the morality of the movie makes it more interesting. But what struck me most,which added to the authenticity of the film ,was there was absolutely NO UNDERLYING SCORE. In Most films, you have music to emphasize what is going on in each scene. Soft pianos for love, loud base and horns for action & violence. Here..NOTHING , just like real life. That pulled me in farther. It seemed all to real. I have yet to see the other Best Picture contenders..but I can see why this movie stood out.Worth your time

Monday, May 5, 2008

Pan's Labyrinth

Now this is a wonderful film. It goes right to the heart of your imagination. But be warned , this fantasy is NOT FOR there is real life adult violence in the movie.

The movie centers on young Ofelia ,during the Spanish civil war. She has a new stepfather, a Falangist Captain in the Spanish Army. He is a a foul , cold and brutal man...And wouldn't you know it..he has married Ofelia's mother, who is pregnant and expecting . But it is a hard and difficult pregnancy . To make matters worse. she and her mother have moved right into the middle of the civil war, at the demand of the Captain, to have the son he expects from his new wife.all of this does not bode well for the young girl. But she has books to get lost in.

Then one night she is visited by a little fairy who lures her into the dark and wonderous world to meet a faun..who informs her she is actually a Princess of another world. And to insure that her regal essence is intact, she is assigned three tasks before the next full moon. If she completes the tasks, she shall return to her magical realm and rule with her real father.

The tasks are wonderfully intricate and a little scary. But the film is so beautifully made, that you dare not turn or blink. Not only does she have these tasks, to complete, but you have the intrigue of the war around to contend with as well.

If I say more about this film, I will give away too much. I would like for you to see and discover the pain and the beauty for yourself. I promise you won't be disappointed.

LaYer Cake

Okay.. I have to admit.. This is one of my TOP 5 Films ever.

It can be classified as a classic British gangster and crime drama. But is so smartly written that it transcends films like "Sexy Beast" & "The Krays". It takes a classic story to a new level.

You have Daniel Craig... playing a cocaine dealer, planning on leaving his trade . He feels he's playing it smart.."Get In, Make Your Money, Don't be flashy ..Get out". Seems simple enough right? But as we and of course the movies never work that way .

When his boss unloads two last tasks on the eve of his retirement. He finds himself in a territory that is new and unwanted to him. There's a stolen pile of ecstasy he needs to unload, a drug addict pampered rich girl his assigned to find..a new woman he's intrigued by , that completely turns in to a series of "Stay Ahead Of The Game" that is great to watch.

I love the gangster and crime elements in this film. But there are touches of one scene , almost slapstick, that seems so out of place with the violence that occurs..that it is hysterical every time I see it, because it's not suppose to be funny..but it's so real at the time it's happening..It IS funny.

This movie is also the film that sealed Daniel Craig as James Bond for me. He's acting is strong throughout, as is the rest of the cast. Matthew Vaughn's direction is not to be missed. In fact, I suggest when watching to do so in widescreen format, as you will love the visual elements that set the scene and tells the story as well. I own it , and when I show it to freinds it's the only and best way to watch this film.

I truly believe this film will be considered a classic of the genre and will stand the test of time.

The State Within

This BBC miniseries is just fantastic.

This is a perfect combination of the action and political intrigue of Fox's "24" that keeps you guessing as to who is the good guy and who is the bad guy , with the skilled intelligent writing that came with A.B.C.'s "The West Wing". And it makes for an explosive and suspenseful watch .

When a flight explodes in mid-air over Washington, the British Embassy finds itself in the middle of a diplomatic catastrophe. And as British Ambassador Mark Brydon , played wonderfully by Jason Issacs , tries to get a hold of the situation , he slips deeper and deeper into the quagmire around him .

You have the U.S. Secretary of Defense Lynne Warner, who is brilliantly portrayed by Sharon Gless, pushing her own agenda, her Undersecretary who has his own, and Brydon's assistant..among many others all playing there own hands as well.

The one thing you will need to do with this movie, is PAY ATTENTION to everything. The plot is quite intricate and tangled. It can seem convoluted and lose you real quick because of all the political ploys going on. But I am sure that you will be on the edge of your seat anticipating the next chess move to be made in this.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Pusher Trilogy

This is one of the best things to come out of Denmark. Writer director Nicholas Winding Refn does a great job of showing the world of crime and drugs , in a totally DE-GLAMOURIZED way.

Pusher- Follows Frank, and his wannabe cool sidekick Tonny. It shows a drug deal gone wrong, the racing and running from the dealer he owes, the cops who follow, and all the mishaps along the way.

Pusher II~With Blood On My Hands - picks up with Tonny , and all his bumbling mishaps after being released from prison. His efforts to win love and affection from the one person he fears, and the responsibility of facing his fears.

Pusher III~I'm The Angel Of Death - Picks up with the Drug kingpin Milo, his continuing dealing, dealing with cooking (which he does badly) for his daughters wedding..and some mishaps and hi jinks along the way.

I think you will find these characters and stories quite engrossing. Not always likable. But you will watch.

13 Tzameti

Okay.. If you have ever thought about trying to live someone else's life ...this film will make you think twice in regards to that. This review will be short, because I don't want to give away too much.

Now.. true this movie starts off a little slow,. In fact..I didn't know if I was going to make it. The film follows twenty-two year-old Sébastien , a Georgian immigrant living in France and working construction jobs to support his poor family. Sébastien works on the home of Godon, a feeble morphine -addict who is under police surveillance. After Godon dies of an overdose ,his widow informs Sébastien that she is unable to pay him. Sébastien then overhears the widow talking with one of Godon's friends, describing a mysterious "job" that Godon had lined up before his death. The destitute Sébastien steals an envelope containing the instructions for the job. The police begin following Sébastien as he uses the train ticket contained in the envelope. But they LOSE HIM....

And this is where this film takes a frightening turn to a very dangerous criminal underworld and what they do for "ENTERTAINMENT"...

And it's a LOO-LOO. This film is French.. My hubby doesn't watch to many foreign films cause he can't stand subtitles.. But he couldn't take his eyes off the screen with this one.

The one thing I do know..The subject matter of this film would NEVER be allowed to be made in America. We're a little to uptight for it.

Dog Soldiers

Okay... So I must admit. When I rented this initially.. I was ready to just get a run of the mill chessy horror flick.


It has the perfect amount of horror, gore, camp, action , and suspense. Just when I thought I was going to get another generic werewolf movie..I get one that has the right amount of substance, plot, and characters I like. It's not a dumbed down teen horror flick with sillyness and stupidity. It has characters who are out facing an extraordinary enemy in a a standoff trying to survive the eventual climax battle scene.

Okay..I know I know..some will compare it to "An American Werewolf In London"..and may think..what is this woman talking about. Well for me A.A.W.I.L. is great and all. So is "The Howling". But those movies for me were mostly about the transformation scenes. I admit, special effects do not impress me. It can't make a movie for me. I know many find that sort of thing cool to look at..but once it's done, you still have to tell a story, act good, and give me the complete package. And here you have it. I love that I like the characters. I don't want ANY OF THEM to die. There is nothing worse than the trend in the horror genre then the whole "WANTING PEOPLE TO DIE". What makes a film good in the genre is watching people struggle who you want to survive. But when you want them doesn't generate the fear the movie should for me. Here... I liked and cared for all of the people in the film. I wanted all of them to live. I knew it wasn't going to happen. But one could always hope right.

Another great thing is that it pays homage to to many films that came prior to it. You'll hear the quotes from many films. I won't say what, the fun is trying to figure out where you heard that before.

But what I love most...


Neil Marshall uses actors in costumes for the werewolves.. And I must say..They are the coolest looking werewolves I've seen. Yeah The one in A.A.W.I.L. was cool and scary.. But it was truly a wolf..Ya know down on all fours. Where as in The didn't really get to see the creature. Which made it disappointing. But here what I like is the Werewolves..cause there are more than one...they have a HUMANOID quality. They are upright ...long reaching arms with claws...thick powerful legs..and large heads full of teeth. I love that. For me it felt more real to fear, cause you know that it's actually in the room with the actors. It also adds to the campy aspect , because it harkens back to the old Lon Chaney, Boris Karloff era of costumes. Just absolutely fun to watch. It's great for Halloween.

I highly recommend this film.


This movie is very hard to say that you like, because of the content. But I will say it. I LOVE THIS MOVIE! Let me tell you why...

This movie is based on the last known transcript of the Wannsee Conference which was held in 1942 .
You get to watch all of the various participants arrive, in full Nazi regalia . There's food, there's introductions, theres socializing. Then the Head Honcho arrives. Reinhard Heydrich , played to perfection by Kenneth Branaugh. And they commence to the business at hand.

And here is where this movie becomes absolutely brilliant . Frank Pierson's direction is pivotal. Here you have the various participants all around the table. There's no guns, no action, no explosions. Just discussion . And it is in my experience , the most horrifying discussion you will ever witness. You are privy to what will be the makings of "The Final Solution " to the "Jewish" problem. These men sit and talk , and decide the fate of millions of human beings, as if it's just another Monday at the office. They discuss all of the methods for the "Extermination" of the Jewish race that is being "tested and tried out". Most people believe that that all started in the camps. But in using the actual transcript of the actual conference, that theory is now completely gone. Where the direction comes into play is how the camera is always kept at eye level the entire time. You are a participant listening to all of what is being decided. You get to view an obvious Anti- Semite have a crisis of conscious . Sure he hates the Jews..but isn't this propasal a little "EXTREME".

I watched this entire movie completely engrossed, and with my mouth hanging open the entire time. Kenneth Branaugh's performance of the most ghastly human being ever is just remarkable. The way he commands the meeting, lays down the control and the law, pretty much reminded me of every business meeting I have ever been in. I mean..he was running the FUCK out of this conference. What at first seems like an effort to get input and suggestions on the whole situation , really is an effort to let the others know, that this has already been decided and you better get with the program. And you see some really wanting and trying to object..But you also see the fear in their faces and eyes, as to what the consequence would be.

This is one of the most stunning movies I have ever seen. The acting and direction is awesome. And it truly teaches the morality of how truly "Evil prospers when good men do NOTHING!

Starting Over ..Movie's Too Rent

I started this blog to get in touch with fellow Movie Buffs. I forgot about it because of life. But now I'm ready to take it on. I'm going to make some separate posts..even on the same you can start to rent and enjoy and comment on the same movies as well. I would love your input and feedback on what you thought of each movie.
