Tuesday, May 6, 2008

No Country For Old Men

I was struck by the immediate violence in the first 10 minutes of the movie. But it certainly set the stage for what was to come with Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem who EARNED his Oscar here).

This has got to be the creepiest killer since Hannibel Lecter .The story seems typical ,but the cinematic meticulousness ,the acting,& the morality of the movie makes it more interesting. But what struck me most,which added to the authenticity of the film ,was there was absolutely NO UNDERLYING SCORE. In Most films, you have music to emphasize what is going on in each scene. Soft pianos for love, loud base and horns for action & violence. Here..NOTHING , just like real life. That pulled me in farther. It seemed all to real. I have yet to see the other Best Picture contenders..but I can see why this movie stood out.Worth your time

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