Thursday, May 8, 2008

Keillers Park

The tagline for this film is "How much are you ready to sacrifice? Well.. some people will go through the ringer for love.
As someone who has seen many gay themed films..I am well aware that in the RELIEF film makers have in being able to express films from their perspective..honestly, the theme can go bad fast. Most of the time , in an effort to express how gays and lesbians are just people , a belief I hold..a lot of the movies are just stories you have heard before , but with the players being gay. So it's hard, at least for ME to be impressed by a film, when I've seen the plot before, if the only difference is the character's sexuality. Well I think that is where this film EXCELS.

This film tells it's story in flashbacks and present. We meet Peter,and we are told his story of how he has come to the situation of being arrested and charged with the murder of his lover Nassim. We see how Peter meets the intriguing and passionate young man.. We see how Peter's repressed sexuality & psychological passion is awakened by Nassim . The initial sexual encounter speaks volumes. Peter holds back but his astonished wonder is not to be missed . Nassim is eager and open in every way. It is a wonderful, passionate, erotic, and beautiful encounter. And yet it is shot in a way that doesn't come across as gratuitous . And then we view the consequences of it all. Peter loses everything for the chance to be himself. Yet Nassim is passionate in such a child like manner, his wild eyed wonderment is intoxicating to Peter in the beginning, but like any relationship, that "Honeymoon phase" fades. When Peter becomes cranky and difficult , Nassim runs away.

And here is where the story gets a little tricky. There are points when you aren't sure of Peter's guilt or innocence, after you see some of Nassim's behavior. Yet you feel for Peter either way. If he did it you understand and sympathize, and if he didn' are hurting that he could lose even more, after he has lost so much ...all for love. You see a man sacrifice so much for love only to watch every one around him leave,loss of financial security,and the loss of what all was sacrificed for. It is a bittersweet movie . But much better than I ever expected.

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