Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Netflix~ Why YOU should Have It

Okay..let me preach the praises of NETFLIX

I use to be a member of the famous rental chain, that is well known for it's LATE FEES. Let me tell you a couple of stories.

I rented films from this place...On my days off, I would rent three films that I would want to see. I like a lot of foreign films , documentaries, and gay themed films. My hubby..not so much. So I would take him to work. Stop and rent three, watch all and return them on the way to pick them up...I did this often. One day I did this. I was told I had a late fee, because of a certain film. Of course I let them know, I turned it in the same day.. It was impossible, to take off the fee. Which they DID. I thought , okay..mistakes happen. I try to be reasonable. Then..On another day..I go in, grab my films..and am told again..I have a late fee. Of course I dispute it. The person behind the counter tells me the movie was scanned in at 1:00am. I proceed to remind her, that they aren't even OPEN at that time and what time THEY CHOOSE to scan movies in is NOT my problem...It was taken off. But I was so upset, because I am feeling now like this is NOT a mistake...But the clencher happened another day. I rented three movies, I had 3 days to watch. I turned them in the next day, cause I didn't want any issues with the whole late fee thing. My hubby was even mad at me, because I took them back before he could watch ANY OF THEM. I go in..hear the same "You have a late Fee" diatribe"..they told me which movie..and my hubby, who happened to be with me that day..went off, cause he knew I brought it back early, cause he remembered what ensued afterwards, Needless to say..I NEVER WENT BACK.

So here is why I love Netflix...Of course you all know there are NO LATE FEES. I registered with them on a Saturday, had the movies Monday. They have more titles then what is available at your local video store. Your local video store usually only carries the big hits, the award winners, and the critically acclaimed films it expects to be requested. I live in Detroit, Mi...and they tend to carry more of the films done by and requested from the African -American Community...Now..I'm that's not an issue. But the variety is very limited in most local stores. I love to see foreign films from all over. Famous and little known titles. I'm not trying to sound pretentious .. but I just like trying to expand my movie viewing. And the local video stores aren't going to get EVERY FILM out there if only ONE person is going to rent them. It's wasted space on their shelves, and it's money wasted if it isn't going to be repeatedly rented. ..I understand that.

With Netflix.. I can get movies from anywhere.. I don't have to drive to the video store to get it ..which is a pain with what gas cost today...only to get there and find out they don't have what I want. I don't have to waste gas driving it back. As long as I mail the movie back..I got another on the way. I use to rent 3 movies every Saturday, which costs around 15.00. With Netflix..I pay 18.00 a month. I can get 3 movies on Monday, watch them all, mail them that day.. Netflix will receive and mail out on Tuesday, and I'll have them on Wednesday. Do the same, and have 3 more on Friday. That's six DVD's within the same week. So instead of 15 bucks a trip. I'm way ahead of the game, and saving money at the same time .

I urge all of you to try Netflix..Yeah I know that other video place has DVD's by mail (Netflix Sued them)...and you can take there mail in envelopes back to redeem for more films. ..But I will not do business with them as a matter of principle. I prefer a business that says what it does, and DOES WHAT IT SAYS!

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